
KHF: Chapter 224

Deviation Actions

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Chapter CLXXXIII: The Disintegrating Jungle, The Silent Suspicions And Queen's Jester
Return To The Radiant Gardens Part XXVI

“Wow...!”  Still within the confines of the gigantic and vibrant jungles that had been the battlegrounds for the fight that had taken place between, Mickey, Fran along with Juan against the monstrous twin headed bird Peekaboo and Greeble had become. The great ninja Yuffie who had been their captive was finally getting all the information about what she had been missing.
Seeing her look of awe that was upon her face, Mickey then replied with a casual smile, “Yeah I know... it's a lot to take in, huh? Yuffie?”
To which the ninja girl nodded and as she did so, she couldn't help but reply, “Yeah...” then looking to one individual who was standing near to her, she asked, “And they got you too Shirma?”
The pink haired, white mage hearing her name being called responded, “Yes... they did,” but then as she became saddened. She quickly cheered up as she looked to her rescuer and said, “But Juan saved me from their spell! He's the one who brought me back...” but she had to admit rubbing her forehead which was still a little sore, “Though it did hurt for it to happen.”
Hearing these words, Juan then grinning replied feeling slightly bashful, “Oh shucks! Don't think anythin' of it senorita! I'll always be glad to save my amigo's outta of a bad bind!” Though in another second, he himself also winced as his own forehead hurt. As it did so, he couldn't help but continue on to say, “Though I'll be sure not to leave any inflamación in the future.”
As these words were said, Mickey along with Yuffie couldn't help but laugh. It was good that they were all together again.
Fran though pleased inside that they had been successful too, couldn't help but ask one question, “Anyway... since we have now secured our allies...” with that she turned her serious gaze in the direction of the unconscious Greeble and Peekaboo. As she did so, the others did the same thing and looked their way too as they continued to slumber away in their unmoving state. Seeing them all do so, Fran then finished saying, “What are we to do with our foes?”
Hearing these words, everyone was quiet... for it was true. What were they to do with them? However Mickey decided to speak up and so he said with a gloved hand to his chin, thinking his thoughts aloud, “Well, the first thing I'd say fella' that we need to get back to Merlin and the others.”
“Merlin and the guys?” Yuffie asked, then as he said those words she realised, “You mean? They've all been found?! They're all together?”
As this was put to him, Mickey was surprised and then after a moment he admitted, “I dunno know if they're altogether...” however he didn't want to sound pessimistic and so he continued on to answer, “But I know they will be eventually! So that's why we need to get to them as soon as we can!”
Listening to these words being said, Juan then concurred as he said, “Heck ya amigo! I'm all for that! We should hurry up like a Plátano and split!”
Not having a clue what that particular word meant, Shirma though getting the gist replied, “Yeah we should! Let's do that!”
Fran making a single nod herself, then responded, “Indeed, but also we need to-”


Shocked by this sudden loud explosion of noise, everyone turned and looked up! As they did so, Juan becoming wide eyed couldn't help but cry out, “Whoa! What was-!?”


With that in seconds as these other loud sounds burst out, everyone on high alert saw above that the tree and leaves were on high were shaking viciously! Making greenery debris fall down like heavy rain and then as this continued on-!


Suddenly one of the giant tree's exploded! Then as it did so, everyone horrified were gobsmacked as they couldn't believe it! Shirma then uttered slowly, “That is-!?”




Immediately more trees exploded one by one, like fireworks! Then as they did so-!

“Hey! Whoa! Look out!”


Crashing into the ground, as the heroes all dodged out of the way. A huge bug fell down! However it was dead and unmoving... it was hideous to gaze upon! But then in another second, it vanished turning into small particles resembling something like dark dust...
As this happen, everyone was quiet in shock! However in another second-!




More bugs fell from on high! As they did so, it was clear as each one impacted. This was turning into a horrible situation! Yuffie knowing this cried out, “Guys we gotta get out of here! Otherwise we're gonna get squished by these buggy missiles!” Then as she said those words-!


Suddenly in seconds a large branch came crashing down! Then as it did so, everyone on even higher alert and petrified at the same time realized one other important thing! “And fallin' ramas! Amigo's let's bolt!” With that everyone started to run forwards to get out of this collapsing nightmarish jungle!





However as they all ran with these horrible rains of huge bugs and large branches raining down, everyone was desperate! They had to get out! They had to-!

“There it is! There's the exit guys!”

As Yuffie cried that out, Shirma nodded as she tried to keep up with the others! However-!


Looking to the right of herself she saw again the unconscious chocobo's who'd caused them so much trouble. Greeble and Peekaboo, seeing them in such a helpless unmoving state, she realised that with all these terrible falling hazards around them that it would only be a matter of time before-!  
Imagining the worst image in her mind, she knew she didn't want that! So acting on impulse, she changed her direction of fast steps!
Seeing her do this suddenly, Juan alarmed called out, “Shirma senorita!?” With that hearing his voice, instantly the others came to a halt too. As they did so, the black clothed Mariachi gunner cried out, “What're you doing!? We have to-!?”
“I can't leave them!” Shirma cried out, with that she gathered Greeble into her arms and as she did so, she knew she had to carry Peekaboo too. However, the peppermint green bird in her hands took up all the space she had in her hands. How could she carry both when-!
However suddenly another figure came to her side. As they did so, they quickly gathered the remaining chocobo into their own arms. Seeing this, becoming amazed Shirma cried out, “Fran!”
The tall rabbit earred woman hearing her name being called, looked to the white mage and replied simply, “Allow me to assist.”
Only too glad for the help, Shirma nodded with a relieved smile. With that the two females got up with the birds in their arms, but just as they began to go and leave-!


Suddenly another of the gigantic tree's exploded! As it did so, quickly in seconds above the two females came falling-!

“Fran!?” “Shirma senoria!?”

As the king and Juan both cried their friend's names in horror. Quickly stepping forwards, Yuffie grabbed her enormous throwing star shuriken and as she did so, she shouted out in fierce determination, “Not today!” With that in seconds she released her weapon in one powerful throw! Then as she did so-!


In seconds a huge tree branch that had come in the female's directions was quickly sliced cleanly in half! Making it fall into two halves and then-!



The massive cut branch fell away and landed in two halves, leaving the two victim's unscathed in the gap that was created in the middle!
Seeing with amazement the lucky escape they had just had, Shirma couldn't help but say under her breath, “Wow! That was close!” But looking to their friend who had just saved them, she quickly called out, “Yuffie! Thank you!”
Grinning as she heard this praise, the ninja girl replied, “Think nothing of it!”
Smiling pleased hearing this, Shirma nodded.
However Fran knew this was not the time to relax, so she quickly instructed, “Come! We have to go now!”
Hearing her, Shirma lost her smile and quickly regaining the serious expression she had. She replied, “Yes of course! Let's go Fran!”
To which, hearing that she'd gotten her attention. The tall rabbit earred woman made a small nod herself before she proceeded to run on with Shirma to join their friends.
Watching as they quickly re-joined their group with the unconscious chocobo's in their hands. Mickey then said, “Okay fella's let's all go now! We don't have no time to be wasting!”
As he said those words, Juan then replied, “Yer tellin' me amigo!”


In seconds of those words being uttered, another of the tree's exploded! As it did so and he saw with his pals what was coming, Juan then cried out, “Now let's amscrate! Escapar!” With that in seconds everyone ran like the wind and-!


Another huge branch fell with more dead insects falling behind it! As this occurred, everyone proceeded on to run to escape this rotting and crumbling chaos! However what the two rescuers couldn't be aware of, was the fact that their still cargo... were both smiling with smug grins on their beaks.


Watching on from the other side of the viewing orb, the party of sinister villain's and their mistress Maleficent, saw the thrilling escape of the heroes. As they all exited the dangerous chaos of the falling jungle realm they had all been trapped within.
All of the observing party were silent, none of them said anything for some moments... until finally one of them did, “Hmph! Well that was a total disappointment!”
Looking to the person who said this irritated statement, Jona with her golden eyes saw that it was none other than Uriax. The dark apprentice who was obviously not amused, couldn't help but ask, “Seriously they couldn't think of anything more dramatic to end on as a note?” As this was stated Jona said nothing, instead she turned her golden eyes from him and became downcast, as she looked down to the orb.  
Maleficent knowing this then simply smirked, as she replied casually, “Indeed, I would have to agree on that point, it could have been so much more entertaining!” With that finishing her statement, she looked to the viewing orb again. Doing so, she was quiet as she made her considerations... then in another moment she made her decision and said, “Alright, I believe we have seen enough of the foolish activities of the king and his we should change our channel of viewing and see what else is occurring within this dramatic chaos.” In another moment, she waved her staff and as it glowed brightly with it's green light...
Jona saw the image quickly change. Immediately they no longer saw Mickey escape with him and his friends, instead they saw a tunnel of darkness and inside of it... were two people walking on together.
Seeing the sight that was before her, Jona felt herself shiver inside. While next to her, Uriax revealed a smile himself as he uttered softly, “Nozomi...”
Maleficent too smiled, for finally they would all watch the final battle play out in this chaotic chase within the darkness. However just as she was becoming absorbed in the sight that was playing out before her...


As this soft utter was made, Maleficent distracted looked in the direction of where Jona was. As she did so, she saw the worry and sadness that was in her gaze... as she did so, she wondered. Why would she-?

“So! What's been happenin' in this party since I went a mozin'!”

Hearing this call, everyone turned away from the viewing orb and there arriving on the scene, was none other than Pete.
However it was clear, that even if he greeted them all with a bright grin and a wave. None of them were pleased and so Uriax uttered in annoyance, “Great, the fat nuisance has come back.”
As this was said, Pete losing his smile expected as much. So walking over, he couldn't help but utter back in utter annoyance himself, “Yeah, I'm glad to see you too...punk!” With that he arrived back over to watch the dramatic proceedings himself.
With that there was nothing but silence in the air... however after these few silent moments. Pete turned his eyes back to Uriax, as he did so. He then decided to ask one thing that was on his mind, “Hey, Uriax?”
“Hmm?” With that the apprentice of darkness turning his eyes to look in Pete's direction replied, “What is it now?”
Seeing that he'd got his attention, Pete proceeded on to ask his question, “I heard before from Maleficent, about that time when Bebuzzu swallowed up that girl there, Nozomi?”
With that as this was uttered, Uriax felt a swift twitch of irritation. As he did so, he replied back to Pete, “What of it?”
As he did this, Pete then continued on to say, “How are ya sure, that nightmare book ain't gonna swallow her up again? Or that other princess chick we had in our clutches?”
Seeing him point this out... surprisingly. Uriax quickly forgot about his irritation and becoming quickly smug in his demeanour, then replied, “Hmph! You think I didn't consider that possibility happening again?”
With this said, Pete said nothing in reply as he simply stared on at Uriax quietly. The dark apprentice seeing this, then continued on as he made his explanation, “Well, you can be rest assured... that won't happen again.” With that he extended out his right hand, as he did so he opened out his hand and in moments-!


Two glittering transparent diamonds appeared within his opened palm. The colour of each one was turquoise blue and pink... as they sparkled away, Uriax continued with his explanation, “I've already placed these magical wards upon them both, so there's no way that will happen! Nothing can break through them or destroy what's protected inside... not even that foul book!”
As this was said, Pete was quiet still. However he decided to ask, “And just how did you manage to cast those spells onto those girls, you ain't seen them at all lately have ya?”
Hearing this, Uriax was quiet... however he was only to happy to answer, “I didn't need to have seen them too recently...since I already have spells implanted within them both.”
Puzzled as he heard this, Pete couldn't help but ask, “Implantin' spells?”
“Exactly right,” Uriax replied. Then as he did so, he continued on to say smirking, “These protective wards immediately homed on those spells that I'd already cast, in turn they protect not just my magic... but those who contain my magic, in essence the girls.” With that as he said those words, he then decided to ask, “Does that satisfy you for answers.”
As this was said, Pete then replied, “Sure, I'm guessin' so.” With that he said nothing more and proceeded on to watch the scene that was unfolding.
Uriax hearing this, then becoming satisfied too.  With that he dismissed the glittering diamond wards away and as he did so, he became relaxed. However there was a light of suspicion in his eyes as he uttered with a brief glance made in Pete's direction, “...Someone's been way too curious today!” With that said his full attention was returned to the scene that was playing out within the viewing orb.
Pete meanwhile remaining quiet, had his full attention on the orb too. As he did so, he couldn't help but think to himself, 'Looks like yer suspicions was right there...Hari!'



As their footsteps proceeded onwards, Nozomi with Cait sith on her shoulder along with Timbre by her side. None of them had really said that too much to each other at all. Both of them had been running forwards in the beginning, but now they'd decided to instead walk to conserve their energy.
Sighing quietly though, Nozomi was feeling slightly bored for she they'd been walking together for what seemed like forever, “I wonder how much longer we gotta go?”
“Who knows lass!” Cait sith replied, then as he said those words. He moved himself to stand on top of her head, as he proceeded on to say, “I just hope we see the darn light at the end of this here tunnel! Otherwise I'm gonna be catchin' meself a bad case of claustrophobia!”
With those words said, Nozomi couldn't help but release a small chuckle as she replied, “You and me both!”
But just as she said those words, she realised something. Timbre hadn't said that much at all since they'd all been travelling on together... which was rather unusual for him.
Looking to her travelling partner, who was looking to one side with a blank expression she then decided to ask out of curiosity, “Hey, Timbre?”    
“Hm?” With that turning his single green eye to look at her, Timbre then replied seeing her curious expression, “Something on yer mind there, Nozomi?”
To which as this question was put to her, the female keyblader replied, “I guess you could say that...?” Then pausing for a moment to think of the right words to say, she proceeded on to say, “I was just wondering, have you got something on your mind? You haven't been talking too much.”
As this was put to him, Timbre stared at her... but then in another moment he grinned knowingly as he replied, “Oh what's wrong? Are you missing the wonderful tones of my gorgeous voice?”
This reply given to her, Nozomi stared at Timbre blankly and then rolling her eyes, she replied, “As if!”
Cait sith himself feeling staring at Timbre and his carefree attitude and bizarre response, then proceeded on to say, “Yeah lad! Yer not all that!”
Hearing these words, Timbre put his clawed hand to his chest as he cried out in a melodramatic mocking tone, “Oh the pain! I feel as though my heart shall shatter into a million pieces by both of your cruelty!”
Smiling sceptically though as he said this, Nozomi then told him, “I'm sure!” But deciding to get back to the serious matter that was at hand, she proceeded on to say, “But honestly... is there anything at all that's troubling you?”
With that, as those words were given to him. Timbre lost his little act and as he did so, he replied, “...Well yeah! I mean come on! We've left our pals behind with a swarm of demons and heartless trying to eat them all alive! How can you expect me not to be worried?”
As this was said to her, Nozomi was quiet. Feeling a little awkward and ashamed remembering the situation too that was at hand, she replied, “Yeah... that's true.” For then thinking of everyone again, she couldn't help but admit, “I mean I'm worried about them too.”
Hearing her say those words, Timbre looked to her quietly for a few moments as they proceeded to walk on together... but then in another moment, he moved his right hand and tapping his claw to her forehead he prodded her as he told her, “Hey! Don't let a sad frown ruin a pretty face like yours! We can't let worry weigh us down like this can we?” Taking his hand back as he said this, Nozomi looked to him in surprise as he proceeded on to say, “I mean c'mon! Worryin's just gonna slow us down! And I'm sure our pals won't like that will they?”
Nozomi hearing this then replied with a rather bashful smile, “Yeah that's true...”
Cait sith though annoyed by this interaction had to point out, “Quit this tripe! Yer the one who brought this up in the first place ya good for nothin-!?”


Suddenly the small crowned cat was distracted! For there suddenly in the distance was-! “Hey! Hey!” He called out for there beyond them finally was, “There it is a light! We're finally at the end of this never ending trail!”
Pleased to see this herself, Nozomi couldn't help but smile brightly, “Great! Finally it's come to an end!”
Nodding himself becoming brighter too, Timbre couldn't help but agree as he said, “Yeah! You're tellin' me!” However as he said those words, he thought about one thing that had been on his mind, “Hey, Nozomi?”
“Hmm?” Curious as she heard her name being called by him, the female keyblader replied, “Yeah?”
Seeing he'd got her attention, the pink haired cat boy decided to ask her bluntly, “Do you like that guy, Riku?”
Blinking as this was to her, Nozomi then repeated puzzled, “Riku?”
Nodding, Timbre then asked her again, “Yeah, do you like him?”
With that as this question was put to her again, Nozomi then replied casually, “Yeah I do, he's my friend after all.”
“Urgh...!” Sighing with irritation, Cait sith then slapping a gloved paw to his hand proceeded on to say, “Lass! Ya're a bigger bubblehead as ever!”
Annoyed by these words, Nozomi then replied mad, “Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?”
Chuckling to himself seeing the female keyblader react this way, Timbre then told her, “He mean's you didn't understand!” With that he spoke his question again. Though this time in a way he was sure even she would understand, “I meant do you like Riku, as in boyfriend like? Do you have special feelings for him?”
With that as this was put to her, Nozomi went quiet... then quickly blushing madly red, she cried out, “What!? Boyfriend!? Me and snowball!?”
Nodding Timbre replied simply smiling, “That's right!”
Nozomi now clearly flustered was embarrassed to no instance cried out then, “That's! That's...!” However becoming annoyed seeing the humorous expression that was on Timbre's face, she cried out mad, “That's none of your business! My feelings for him are-!”
“You so are!” Timbre cried out joyfully! Then as he did this, he couldn't help but poke his tongue out as he proceeded on to say, “Oh boy! Just wait till I let this little piece of juicy gossip go flying around!” With those words, he then turned and proceeded to run full speed forwards towards the light of the tunnel! “I'm gonna go tell everyone!”
Seeing him take off like this, Nozomi mad went to chase after him as she cried out, “Timbre! Hey! Get back here! Don't you run off from me like that! I-!”
With that as the female keyblader cried out her embarrassed complaints and rantings, Cait sith holding on tight as she went sighed as he said, “Some thing's never change!” Then as he said those words, looking to the light that was coming closer and closer towards them, he became quiet... however he couldn't help but be worried. For he could only pray that what was coming to greet them soon, would be something they could handle and survive against!


“Haa! Haa! Haa!”

On the floor, a certain person was struggling as they lay there. She was aching all over from the pain she'd just been put through, but she knew one thing! “I can't...! I can't!” With that she lifted herself up and as she did so, she then finished with what strength she could muster, “I can't give up!” Those words said, she stood up back onto her legs and just as she did-!

“Hanahime! Hanahime!”

Surprised as she heard her own name being called out, the long blonde haired girl turned and saw coming her way, “Ruby!” With that in seconds her beloved red robin friend came flying straight in her direction!      
Arriving quickly over to her, the small bird asked her flustered, “Are you alright!? Are you going to be okay!? Are you-!?”
“I'm alright, I'll be fine!” The white dressed girl replied, “I am aching but-!”

“Emergency! It's an emergency!!!”


In seconds riding upon his trusty pal, waving his small baton. It was none other than the bob cat cop, Bonkers along with his chocobo pal Coco.
Seeing him suddenly arrive on the scene, Hana was quiet but looking on at him. She knew this was bad! For she had to ask, “Bonkers!? Did they find you!? Did they-!?”
Nodding urgently the bobcat cop replied, “Yeah they did! And I couldn't stop thinkin' about you and-!”

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

Shocked all the heroes turned and as they did so, they heard the sinister voice go on to say, “I've found you!!!”





“Hey!” With that running out of the tunnel finally, Nozomi came through and into the light! With Cait sith still riding upon her head, she wasn't paying attention though as her focus was fixed upon one person, “Timbre! Don't you dare go saying that stuff to anyone! I don't-!”


With that in seconds, the female keyblader collided straight into the pink haired young cat boy's back. As she did so, she collided onto the floor and demanded, “Hey! What'd you stop for! What-!?”
“Um?” Interrupted, Nozomi saw Timbre turn around to look at her. As he did so, the dark haired girl saw him stare at her with a perplexed expression as he asked, “Did we shrink or something?”
“Huh?” The female keyblader uttered in response. Then as she did so, finally she looked around and saw the space that they had now found themselves within. Immediately, even she became absolutley amazed, as she then uttered herself, “What the...?”
All around themselves, the party of heroes discovered that they were now inside... an enormous giant room! Looking around with widened eyes, Nozomi saw that they were inside a green walled room, with an enormous brown wooden table before them and a chair, along with a few white cupboards and shelves on the walls. There was also a great variety of other pieces of furniture and objects that were enormous in size... the whole scene was completely bizarre to them!
Cait sith himself looking around just as puzzled by the enormous over towering environment they were in, then looked back behind them. As he did so, he saw the tunnel that they had emerged from, was nothing less... then a mouse hole. As he realised this, after a moment he couldn't help but sigh and say, “..Reduced to mouse size again, this can't happen to a cat twice in it's life can it?”
As this was stated, Timbre turned to look at Cait sith and as he did so, he tilted his head to the side as he uttered, “Huh? Twice?” However before he could be given any proper answers-!


Puzzled, everyone turned and as they did so, suddenly-!


“Wah!” Suddenly from behind the female keyblader something fell down and landed on the floor! Staring on at the object, Nozomi saw that it was something like a black funnel like object with a wire coming from the bottom of it. As she looked at it, Nozomi uttered the first question that came to her mind, “Uh? What is that thing?” Then as she uttered those words-!


Immediately the object emitted the ringing tones again. As it did so, she jumped back in surprise. Just as Timbre did, however Cait sith looking at the object recognised what it was, “Is that a phone receiver?”
Hearing this term, Nozomi repeated, “A phone receiver?” Then after a moment it finally dawned on her, “Wait? You're saying this thing is a part of a telephone?” When those words were uttered, in moments-!

“I'm pleased to see you got it finally! You thick excuse for a girl!”

Startled immediately hearing this voice, Nozomi recognised it in seconds, “That's Irma!?”

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

Hearing her tones, Timbre immediately put himself on guard. For though he still hadn't seen the evil sorceress... he knew instantly that she wasn't going to be a dangerous!

“So I see you've brought a pathetic entourage this time... though that's not gonna be enough to save you or your beloved stolen pals this time!”

Angered hearing her voice again, Nozomi then cried out, “We will get them back from you Irma! You hear me! We'll destroy whatever you've got in store and I'll just kick your butt again like-!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah bark on and on you mutt!”

This further infuriated Nozomi, but before she could. Cait sith spoke up first, to stop a pointless banter, “Just what do ya want from us now, ya hag!?”

“It's simple!”

With that in moments, the receiver was pulled up slightly up by the long cable, that it was connected to. Then as it was, it was wagged back to and throw. As this was done the voice spoke again to the confused heroes-!

“Take a ride on up! Then we can get started with our little game!”

Hearing these words, the heroes were quiet. But Nozomi becoming dismissive asked, “Ride that? You gotta be kidding!” With that she concentrated had and in moments, her wings appeared and as they did so, she then said, “I can make my own way up!”
As she said these words, Cait sith then couldn't help but concur, “Good show of spirit there lass!” With that he pumped his gloved fist into the air, as he did so he added, “Now why don't we get goin' and meet that horrible wicked wench!”
Nodding, Nozomi was feeling determined and ready to meet her dreaded foe! But just as she was beginning to go and take off-!
“Alright since you're not taking this ride up!” With that turning around, the female keyblader saw that Timbre was climbing aboard the receiver and as he settled himself onto the object, getting comfortable. He then decided, “I'll take the offer myself!”
Surprised to hear this, Nozomi then had to ask, “What? Why don't you just use your-?”
Quickly making her become silent, Timbre put his finger to his lips and doing this, he decided to say, “Shhh! That's my little trick to hide for now.” Then with a wink he added, “Okay?”
Seeing him do this gesture, Nozomi then finally understood what he was doing. As she did so, she then smiled and replied, “Okay!” With that she took off jumping into the air, then as she did she turned and told her friend, “I'll see you up there then, Timbre!”
With a nod, he replied, “Alright! See ya in a second!”
With those words given to her, Nozomi then rode up into the air. Climbing up to reach the top of the table.
Seeing her go, Timbre quiet for a second then said, “ to get goin'!” With those words, he pulled on the cable to the phone receiver twice. Doing this, after a moment there was movement and finally the pink haired cat boy was lifted into the air, to join his ascending pal.


“Oh!” Making it onto the table top, Nozomi dismissed her wings in moments. As they faded away in a sparkle of light she looked around herself... and became puzzled.
Cait sith on her shoulder, looking around too seemed to have the same sentiment. Then after a moment he spoke his thoughts, “Well... this place is a lot more... garish than I was imagining!”
Then as he uttered those words, “Hey, guys!” With that in moments arriving on top of the phone receiver, Timbre jumped off and with that the communicative object reattached itself to the main old styled telephone.
As he did so, running over he greeted them again saying, “You know that phone thing went up faster than I thought it would! Who'd a thunk it, huh?” However as he said that, he saw that they were staring on ahead dumbfounded. Seeing this, he became confused and so asked, “Um, guys what're you staring at?”
With that hearing the question, Nozomi didn't turn to look at him. Instead she pointed ahead and uttered, “That.”
Blinking as he heard this, Timbre turned to look at what his friends were gazing at. As he did so, he then finally saw what they were looking at too. Even he became hugely perplexed and silent!
There before them across a huge part of the table, was a red and black checkered floor... it almost looked like a giant chessboard. Then around it were elaborate decorations of gold and red rose bushes...making it totally out of place within the confines of this giant room. The whole space seemed to stretch on to forever like a sea of hills...
“Ugh...” Timbre looking at all this... décor? Couldn't help but ask, “Okay? This was NOT what I was expecting!”
“Yeah, you and me both!” Nozomi finally said, however scratching the back of her head and with a sigh, she added, “But, this is Irma we're talking about and-”
“She has trashy taste!” Cait sith said, becoming annoyed thinking of the terrible sorceress himself.    
Timbre hearing this then had to agree as he said, “Yeah I can see it!” However knowing that conversing wasn't going to get them anywhere, he decided to say, “Well we better get onto that chessboard to see what she wants, right?”
Hearing this suggestion, Nozomi then nodded as she replied, “Yeah, we should.” With that she stepped onto the chessboard and as she did so, Timbre stepped onto it too. Then immediately the two of them started to travel across it, to see what was waiting for them on the other side of the checkered hills.


Walking on together, the two of them looking around themselves could see that the scenery of the chessboard continued to travel on and on. As it did so... they couldn't help but wonder themselves when this journey would actually end too!?
“Just how big has she made this darn board! It's almost as bad as that darn tunnel!” Cait sith complained loudly, then as he did so. Looking behind himself, with his hand over his eyes he couldn't help but complain saying, “I can't even see the end of it behind us anymore!”
Nozomi looking behind herself too, couldn't help but say as well, “Yeah thats true... I can't see the end either now.”
Timbre hearing this, didn't want to look back. But then he couldn't help but say, “I guess that's the power of a sorceress... especially a trashy one!” Then saying that, he looked ahead of himself and as  he did, he asked, “Just when is she gonna make an appearance anyway?”
Then no sooner as he had said that... they came across something! There appearing before them, was a tall stack of gambling chips, within a glittering gold holder. On top of it was a garish black decorated throne, with gold engravings and it was also draped over with a red silk sheet. Behind it again were even more red rose bushes.
Seeing it, it was so, so absolutley trashy... Nozomi staring at it couldn't help but ask staring at it, “Who does she think she is? A queen?” Then as no sooner than the female keyblader had said that-!

“That's exactly right!”

Surprised the heroes looked ahead and suddenly-!


“What the-!?” Cait sith started to cry out, but quickly-!

“Greetings you worthless peasants!”

With that immediately, appearing within a sparkling cloud came forth the sinister red haired sorceress, dressed in elaborate black queenly garments and a tattered gothic long violet gown. She was even wearing a golden crown upon her head.
Seeing her everyone was immediately on guard and annoyed by her very presence, gracing them. They stood their hands, ready to call upon their weapons when they needed them!

“Fu! Fu! Fu! Fu!”

As she released this sinister cackle, Irma then narrowing her eyes with pure amusement couldn't help but say, “I see you're very pleased to see me!” With that, she tilted her head to the side as she added,” Aren't you?”
“Not in the slightest!” Nozomi retorted straight back! As she did so, she then pointed to the sinister sorceress and said, “Now! What've you done with Oralee and the others! What're you up to!?”
Hearing Nozomi ask about his princess, immediately Cait sith cried out, “Exactly! Where's me highness!”
Irma hearing this was silent... however, she then had to ask, “Highness?”
“MY PRINCESS!?” Cait sith cried out mad! With that he pointed to the evil sorceress and added mad, “Ya stole her from us! Now give her back!”
“Stole her from you...?” With that trailing her words, she appeared to be in deep thought. After a little bit, she had to then admit, “My, my that is a problem...”
Not understanding what she was getting at, Timbre was silent as he stared at her. For though she looked slightly attractive... that sinister aura she had, completely put him off! However he had to ask, finally catching on, “A princess?”
However ignoring him, Irma then smiling sinisterly again said, “Because if I remember correctly, I stole quite a few people from you... didn't I?” With that saying those words, she moved her right hand forwards and with her fingers ready said, “But allow me to display, one of the first examples I've taken!”



With that in moments appearing in a sparkle of light, a single cloud came forth! Then in another second-!




Horrified everyone saw falling onto the floor of the chessboard, it was none other than their lost friends-!



With that as Nozomi and Cait sith cried out their names, immediately they ran to their friends sides! Then collecting them into her arms, the female keyblader cried out, “What happened to you both!? What-?!”
“Miss Nozomi...” with that opening his eyes, Bonkers then tried to speak as much as he could, “That crook, Irma she's... she's more dangerous now!”
Hearing him say this, Nozomi had shocked widened eyes and as she did, Cait sith had to ask feeling anxious, “More dangerous?”
“Ye, yeah...” then as he said this, Bonkers tried to continue on as he said, “Because she's got, she's got...miss Oralee to-!”
“Me higheness!?” Cait sith cried out worriedly.
Timbre concerned thouh hearing this name asked, “Oralee?” Then as he did so-?

“Oh so you know the name of my little toy do you?”

With that hearing those words, everyone turned to look to the evil sorceress and as they all did so-!


There appearing beside their sinister enemy, from within a sparkling cloud. It was revealed to be none other than-!

“Oralee!?” “Yer highness!?”

Timbre himself was dumbstruck by wonder! For there before them, was the blonde haired girl with the right side of her face masked away by her beautiful locks of hair. However instead of her normal trendy, graceful princess attire... she was instead wearing a dress and hat that resembled a jester's costume, which was patterned with dark purple diamonds and white ones. She also had streaks of vibrant pink messily slapped over parts of the costume, as though she'd been pelted by paintballs.
Looking at her Nozomi and Cait sith were shocked! However Timbre looking on at her, still couldn't believe what he was seeing! As it settled into his mind about the girl he could see who was before him... he couldn't help but utter out in awe, “Whoa!” Then in another moment, moving his hand to his heart, he could feel it racing as he uttered, “Man!... Is this?” Then recognising those wondrous beats inside, he declared feeling enthralled, ”I think I'm in love!”
Nozomi though not hearing this nonsense, cried out to her friend, “Oralee are you okay!? What's Irma done to you!? What's she-!?”
However at that moment it was finally then that the female keyblader noticed the dull lifelessness that was in her friend's eyes. As she did so, she was struck by a terrible sense that something was wrong with her beloved friend. As she did so, she asked again, “Oralee?”
But again, the blonde haired princess didn't respond. Seeing this happen, as he saw the lifeless look that was in his princess's eyes too. Cait sith immediately reacted as he cried out, “You witch!” With that pointing his hand at Irma, he demanded, “What've ya done to me highness!? Why's she-!?”
“Tut! Tut!” Wagging her fingernail from side to side, Irma then informed the outraged cat, “You shouldn't keep uttering out incorrect terms like that, especially about my jester.” With that, Irma waved Oralee over and in moments the blonde haired girl complied with the wishes of her master and made her way over to her. Then kneeling upon one knee, her face was taken into the terrible sorceress's grasp, as it was Irma continued to speak on stroking her sharpened nails agains her skin, “For the only highness here...” with that turning her red eyes to her foolish enemies, she informed them, “Is me!”
Angered by her obvious arrogance, Nozomi gritted her teeth! While Cait sith cried out mad, “Don't give that crud! You ain't even close to bein' as wonderful as me highness! Yer-!”
“You're an evil witch that needs to be beaten!” Timbre spoke, interrupting the angry cat's words. As he did so, he informed Irma, “And once that happens...” with that tuning his eyes in Oralee's direction, he added feeling invigorated, “The love of that beautiful princess will be mine!”
Nozomi and Cait sith seeing the odd lovestruck smirk that was on Timbre's face, along with hearing the silly proclaim he had made. Neither had any idea what he was talking about, but Nozomi couldn't help but utter out her thoughts aloud, “Uh? What the heck is he talking about?”
Irma though hearing this proclamation raised a single eyebrow. As she did so, she then after a moment decided to ask, “So... you want to play with the queen now do you?”
With that as this question put to them, Nozomi turning her attention back to her old foe. Was about to answer back, but instead-!
“We're not gonna play with you!” Cait sith cried out, then with a gripped fist he told their enemy, “ We're gonna beat the livin' daylights out of ya and take back me highness!”
To which Irma asked, “Oh really?” Then becoming smug, she couldn't help but ask, “Isn't there a couple of others you might be missing?”
Hearing this, Nozomi uttered, “Someone missing?”
Bonkers who'd been quiet up to that point, knew all too well who Irma was talking about. Cringing from the pain he was still suffering with, he strained himself to look on at the evil sorceress as she brought out a single hand and in moment's a white gem stone appeared in opened palm. Then as this occurred-!


In moments a projected white transparent image emerged from the gem, then as it did it was revealed to be a male figure. He looked baffled as he saw Nozomi and Cait sith along with Timbre. But as he did this, in moment's the female keyblader and crowned cat recognised him in moments! It was the leader of the 'ARCS.' Seeing him Nozomi cried out, “Snow!?”
Then in doing so, Cait sith also cried out, “Snow mate!?”
A worried look came across the blonde haired man's face. He looked on anxiously as he tried to shout something out to them both. But it was useless, no sound came from his mouth and as this occurred Irma quickly dismissed the image of the man away and as she did this, she spoke again, “So I take it I've got you excited,” with that getting up out of her throne, releasing Oralee she stood continuing to hold the white gem in her opened hand as she also added, “And since that's the case...!”


With those words, the gem began to glow ominously with white light. As this occurred, immediately Nozomi, Cait sith and Timbre could tell this was bad! Though they'd never experienced this before, they knew they had to do something!
Calling forth her keyblade, Nozomi getting up rushed forwards as she cried out, “Stop it!” But-!

“I summon thee! I summon thee!
You who are the corrupt with ice running through your veins!
Come forth and now shine and cast your glamour with I!
You Mateus, become my beautiful ultimate lance and shield!”

It was too late! The terrible sorceress's incantation was complete! As it was, immediately she was wrapped in something like a million white threads as the stone adorned itself onto her body! As it did so, quickly Irma entered into something like a pulsating rose. But it didn't take long for the evil girl to reveal herself again for-!


Suddenly the flower blossomed and opened up! As it did so, the terrible transformation that Irma had undergone was revealed!  There before them was a being, wholly beautiful no-one could deny... but absolutely terrifying at the same time!
For Irma's skin had been transformed and was glistening and looked pale white, like porcelain. Her hair too had become platinum silver in colour and was twisted into long curling locks, reaching down past her back. Also she was wearing a golden crown on top of her head, that gleamed and sparkled with light.
On her back fanning out in three pairs of either side of her, were golden branches that revealed fins that resembled something like fairy wings. The delicate materials they consisted of were scaly and were shining colours of blue and gold... but it was clear that this person was far from being angelic! For then opening her eyes, the one thing that hadn't been changed was the colour of her blood red irises.
Seeing this the keyblader and her friends were quiet, but as they were in another moment the shining gem that had allowed Irma to transform floated up and nestled itself into the centre of the crown. Then as this occurred-!


Immediately a white light escaped from the centre of the crown! As it did this, the group of heroes looking on couldn't help but be curious. Timbre then spoke everyone's thoughts as he asked, “That's-?”
“This little thing?” Irma asked, then looking to the light that was now in her sharpened grasp. She  turned to her foolish enemies and informed them, “This is the life force that belongs to your so-called friend, Snow.”
Shocked to hear this, Nozomi asked, “His life force?”
“Correct! And unless you get it back within a certain time...” with that the light began to fly away into the air and as it did so, she informed them all further, “He will cease to be and die!”
Horrified at this prospect, Nozomi cried out, “No!” With that calling forth her wings powers again in seconds, she took off higher into the air! To quickly retrieve that precious light, but before she could touch it-!


Suddenly the light was seized and was taken into, “A Card!?” Cait sith cried out! For there spinning in the air was a twirling huge human sized playing card with an image of the light force sparkling within it!
“Oh yes!” Irma proclaimed, with that as her enemies attention was reverted back to her. She informed the foolish heroes, “Because it would be so boorring to get this little thing back easily?” With that the card danced and twirled before her.
As this occurred, Timbre who'd been quiet all this time decided to act! So grabbing his spear he rushed straight forward and cried out, “I'll take that back before you even play your game!”  With that he went to cut her through and retrieve the card!
“Uh! Uh!” Irma uttered then-!


With a snap of her fingers, more cards emerged and as they did so. The light force card shuffled into a deck along with the rest and as they did so, more cards revealed themselves and displayed what was within themselves!
Timbre seeing this as he rushed forwards came to a halt as he became shocked, along with Nozomi who continued to float in the air! For there amongst the playing cards of diamonds, hearts, spades and clubs. There was another familiar couple of faces trapped within them!
Shocked, Nozomi cried out their names, “Hana! Ruby!” For there within the revealed cards looking on horrified and anxious were the images of their friends, smacking the edges of the playing cards like sheets of glass. But they were powerless and quickly they were pulled into the deck and were re-shuffled away!
Seeing the shock she had instilled into them all, Irma smiling informed the heroes, “Just so you know... you can rescue your friends if you smite the cards in the right order.” But with a sinister chuckle she added, “However! If you so happen to accidentally hit the card that holds any of your friends even once!”
With that a single card was brought up as a display and in seconds-!


Immediately it was turned into nothing but ribbons of pitiful paper scraps! The very sight of this sent a chill down all the heroes spines!
But Irma seeing her preparations were complete said, “Now! Let the game start!” With that, beating her odd wings, she flew into the air and then clicking her feet together-!


Suddenly from the sides of her elegant puffed out white dress, came out loads of golden chains with manacle dangling at the ends of them and in seconds, they latched themselves onto-!
“Yer highness!?” Cait sith cried out!
“Oralee!?” Nozomi shouted out just as horrified! For then her poor jester dressed friend was being lifted helplessly into the air, like a puppet on strings! In seconds the female keyblader went to intercept and rescue her friend from the terrible sorceress's grasp! However-!


“Agh!” Suddenly Nozomi was sent flying away by a beam of light and immediately-!


She collided into the floor! Seeing this happen to her, Timbre quickly cried out shocked, “Nozomi!?” But before he could move to help her-!


He was distracted, as there before the cat boy in the air, beneath Irma's feet. Oralee was encased within the centre of a transparent pink crystal and was held in place tightly by the golden chains. She looked through it lifelessly with no sign she was feeling any sensations at all.
Irma pleased that she was now complete with her slave beneath her feet, she then said, “Now! To get thing's underway!” With that the crystal below her began glowing brightly with pink light, as it did so her own red eyes shined with the same hue and as they did so, looking to Timbre she said, “So... he's worried for my little clown is he? He thinks I'm hurting you?” With that she looked down to her slave. Then as she did so, she smirked and looked back to Timbre and said, “Wow? I guess he really does fancy you, and it looks like he loves you for your sweet eyes, or what he can see of them?”
Shocked as he heard this said aloud, Timbre didn't say a word. For what Irma said he'd just been thinking about. But dismissing an idea that came rushing to him, he simply told himself that she must have just assumed what he'd been thinking! For there was nothing about this, that was-!
“Strange?” Irma asked aloud. Then as she did this, Timbre was even more spooked, he said nothing as the terrible sorceress continued to speak, “Ah yes, well to inform you it is... it is strange how I'm so readily able to read your mind!” For then narrowing her eyes, she said, “You're scared that much I do know, but yet... you're determined aren't you?”
Timbre didn't reply to this, instead he steadied his grip on his spear. For even if somehow Irma did know his thoughts, he knew that-!
“You'll save the princess and be her knight in shining armour?” Irma asked stilling his silly thoughts in moments, then as she did this. She smirked as she remarked, “It looks like all little kitty cats like you have weird delusions when it comes to girls!” Then narrowing her eyes she had to add, “And if you think a full head on assault with your spear and levitation is enough to beat me...” With that she summoned her powerful and deadly lance which was now decorated with diamonds and jewels. As she aimed it at Timbre she told him, “Take your best shot!”
Nozomi on the floor, rolling over hurt from the blast of power that had been fired at her! Looked to Irma and narrowing her eyes angrily seeing what had become of her friends, Oralee, Snow along with Hana and Ruby. She detested the evil witch!
Cait sith had the same bitter thoughts too, but before he could speak of them-!


Becoming alarmed, they saw along with Timbre that on all sides there were surrounded by giant monstrous pieces of furniture that had all somehow gained lives of their own and were looking at them with evil hungry eyes and monstrous grins. Also around them, were card monsters with swords and long lances keeping them enclosed within the space of the chessboard. Seeing all these enemies around them, the heroes were all quiet... all of them feeling a terrible sense of foreboding!
Irma smirking though, informed the foolish heroes, “None of you are getting away from me!”
Seeing that the odds were stacked against them, Timbre wasn't one to give up! So he cried out, “We'll see about that!” With that he took off into the air to become the hero of the story!
As he did this, Nozomi quickly moved herself to get up! As she did so, Cait sith next to her said, “C'mon lass! Ya gotta move it! That Timbre lad is gonna need us and fast!”
Getting up finally, Nozomi replied, “I know! I know!” Then moving, she had to say, “But before that!” With those words she moved in a certain direction and added, “I need to help out Bonkers and Coco!” With those words, in moments the female keyblader made it over to the bobcat cop and small chocobo.
Still struggling left on the floor, Bonkers hearing her footsteps uttered as he looked up to her, “Miss... Nozomi?”
In turn his pal then uttered just as pained, “Kweh...”
Seeing them both like this made Nozomi feel terrible, but she moved to immediately fix the problem! Lifting her keyblade she cried out, “Curaga!” In seconds the sparkling green healing spell descended and quickly removed all the damage and harm that had been done to the little crime fighters.
Feeling invigorated in moments, Bonkers sitting up along with Coco who ruffled his feathers, he asked, “Miss Nozomi! What're you-!”
“There's no time to chat!” Nozomi told the bobcat, then as she did this-!



Shouting out loudly from the pain, Timbre was sent hurtling through the air by terrible lasers of light! Seeing this, Nozomi knew she had to hurry, so quickly she told her friend's, “Guys! I need you both to go find a spot and hide! Leave the fighting to me and Timbre!”
As they heard this, it was clear that the duo were anxious to hear this. Bonkers didn't want them to be alone on this mission, so he tried to speak, “But we-!”
“But nothin' mate!” Cait sith cried out! Then as he did this-!


In seconds the monster cards all ran forwards and started to attack! Immediately though Nozomi intercepted and-!


Quickly her keyblade came into contact with one of the monsters, blocking it's attack! As this happened, Cait sith turned back and said proving the point, “This fight is professional battlers like me, the lass and the lad! Do ya get it!?”
As this was said, it was clear both Bonkers and Coco were scared. But at the same time they were torn, for they wanted to help... but at that time they would probably not be able to. So though he didn't want to... Bonkers had to bite the bullet and say, “Yeah we get it, Cait sith...” with that said, the bobcat cop hopped on his pal and said, “Let's go Coco! We gotta give these guys some space!”
Hearing these words, the small chocobo felt bad obviously as much as his pal. However he complied and replied, “Kweh!” With that they both took off to find a good hiding spot.
As they sped on though, Bonkers decided to call back, “You go get 'em fella's! Teach that witch that no-one messes with our beloved gardens!”
Immediately Cait sith made his response as he made a thumbs up to the retreating cop and bird saying, “You got it mate!” Then as they left their sights, he informed Nozomi, “Now lass! Let's do some damage!”
Hearing him say this, Nozomi couldn't help but smirk as she replied, “You got it!” With that she put all her power into her next blows as she went to take out the sinister monster cards! With that the intense battle between the heroes and the Magi Metamorphosis sorceress began...  
Here's the new chapter at last lol! I hope you enjoy this one and look out for more soon! Take it easy! ^^
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