
KHF: Chapter 219

Deviation Actions

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Chapter CCXIX: The Devastated Town, The Sinister Announcement And The Fleeting Welcome
Return To The Radiant Gardens Part XXXI

Travelling fast through the colourful portal, Pete was following his accomplice, Hari on from behind. Ever since the fierce battle that had taken place against the keyblader's and the destruction of Treasure Planet, the two of them had not spoken a single word to each other.
The overweight villain looking at the long brown haired girl, as she travelled onward gliding along with her steel metallic wing's outstretched, he could only wonder? Was she disappointed with him, yet again? Would she comment about what had happened before or-?
Suddenly though, there was no time to think anymore. For then quickly both of the evil servants had made it through the door of time. Making it to the other side, without falling over or making an embarrassment of themselves, they arrived back in the darkened castle which was that of their mistress's, Maleficent.
The dark gowned evil witch was waiting for them and looked on with a small triumphant smile on her face as she asked them both, “So I trust that you both had a lucrative venture did you?”
Hearing her say this in a calm happy mood, Pete was unused to this! Even when Maleficent was in a good mood, he had to be cautious. Lest she swiftly change and become fearsome and threatening! So looking at his master, he told her revealing a rather awkward smile, “Uh? Hi there Maleficent! Um...” then struggling to think of something, he finally informed her scratching the back of his head, “Yeah? We had a real hung dinger time I guess! But we-?”

“You both failed again didn't you?”

Shocked as these cold critical words were uttered, Pete turned and saw as Hari looked on too silently. That there stepping forwards from the shadows with his arms folded, it was none other than Uriax with a rather smug smirk on his face as he gazed on at them both.
Seeing and hearing him say this, Pete forgetting his nervousness for a moment, was immediately irritated by his expression. He was then about to open his mouth to say something when-!

“If you mean by the possible monetary gain, we could have acquired. Then yes we did fail, Uriax.”

Surprised, Pete turned quickly and saw that it was none other than his accomplice speaking! As she looked to Uriax with her cold green eyes, she had a serious light that glowed in her mysterious irises. Looking on at her, the overweight villain uttered quietly, “Hari?”
Becoming simply more arrogant by her admittance, Uriax then replied with unveiled enjoyment, “Oh? So you admit it?”
“I do.” Hari replied, however saying that, she then continued on to say, “But, we did succeed in gaining a monumental amount of hearts...” with that turning her green eyes back to her mistress, she asked her, “Which I assume has pleased you immensely, am I right my lady?”
Hearing her ask this, Maleficent then replied calmly smiling still, “Indeed it has... you succeeded greatly in that regard.”
With that heard, Hari bowed her head as she said, “I'm glad to know that.” Then looking back to Uriax she asked him cooly, “Now please, inform me? Have you succeeded in your own mission?”
Seeing quickly that she had turned the tables on him, Uriax was silent. However revealing a small glimpse of his anger he uttered to her with spite echoing in his tone, “You certainly are audacious aren't you?”
To this Hari said nothing in reply, as she looked on at Uriax coldly still. Seeing her interact with the dark apprentice like this, made Pete feel uneasy as he swore he could practically see the flames of hatred radiating out from Uriax! But before he could move to say another word-!

“You're right honey! We haven't been successful...yet!”

Turning then the party of villain’s saw the other member of their party come over to join them. It was none other than the exotic long orange haired Syphinx, Jona. Seeing that all the eyes of the group were upon her now, she smiled as she walked over to Uriax and informed them all, “But soon the fabulous party's gonna get started! Then when it does, we really will have something to celebrate about!” With that wrapping her arms around Uriax, she looked to him with a warm affectionate look in her eyes as she asked him, “Won't we, Uri sweetie?”
Annoyed by her invading and unwanted advances, Uriax quickly retracted himself from her arms and replied coldly, “Obviously.” As he said this, the masked apprentice walked forward and regaining his smug attitude he added, “And not even you fools will be able to compare to our results!”
Hearing and seeing Uriax act like this, Pete turned his eyes in Jona's direction. As he did so, it was evident that the exotic Syphinx was saddened by his callous words and actions, as she looked down to the cold floor. Quiet as he saw his, Pete then knew that she must have it tough with her partner and this made him feel sorry for her.
However looking back to Uriax he decided to ask, as his curiosity was getting the best of him, “And what exactly have you fella's been up to?”
To which hearing this, Maleficent this time decided to indulge them. So moving her right hand forwards which held her tall staff, she said, “Why don't I show you?” With that in seconds, a green swirling viewing portal emerged from the golden orb upon the staff's top.
With that in seconds, as a green glowing light illuminated everything and everyone. Marvelling at the spectacle, Pete was speechless while Jona, Uriax and Hari were silent. Maleficent herself though grinning away said with amusement evident in her voice, “I'm sure you will find it to be spectacular...just as I will!” With that she watched on as the others did, to see what would be their next conquest...


Traveling through their own swirling colourful portal of time, the band of keybladers and their new found friends. Timbre, Zidane, Balthier, Fran, Zidane, Noel with Raiyana and finally Yeul were all in high spirits as they travelled on together.
As they flew on, Timbre who was floating with total ease and eagerness, couldn't help but say, “Man! It's gonna feel so good to be back in our own time!”
Laughing, Zidane travelling next to him couldn't help but agree as he, “You got that right!” Then on a further note, he couldn't help but say, “Let's hope the maiden's here are even better here then before!”
Smirking as he said this, Timbre replied, “Yeah let's!” With that he high fived his best buddy!
Seeing them interact like this, Cait sith then riding on Nozomi's shoulder couldn't help but sigh as he said, “Well looks like those lads are in good spirits.”
Smiling himself, Mickey riding on near then asked him, “Well how can you blame those fella's?” With that looking on ahead, the mouse king couldn't help but add, “There's no feelin' that's better, when ya know yer on yer way home.”
Nodding Nozomi agreed as she said with a smile of her own, “Yeah! Plus the carnival can begin in full swing when we get back!” Then imagining the festivities that would take place, she smiled brightly as she added, “I can't wait to see it!”
Hearing her say this, Riku seeing her happy smile couldn't help but agree as he said simply with a smile of his own, “Yeah... it will be great.”
Nozomi hearing him say this, then nodded brightly. But before she could move to say anything to him-

“What carnival are you talking about?”

Surprised, Nozomi turned around and saw that it was none other than, “Yeul!” Seeing the long blue haired girl looking to her with curiosity in her green eyes as she held her Deer teddy in her arms, the female keyblader smiled. As she did so, she then told her, “Oh you won't believe it when you see it! It'll be incredible when it begins!”
It was then curiosity came to affect Noel too, who floating over then decided to ask, “What're you guys talking about exactly?”
Seeing him come over, Riku knew this conversation was not going to go anywhere. So he decided to explain, “We're talking about our destination, the Radiant Gardens where they're going to be hosting a Carnival which we helped in the preparations for.”
Hearing the name of their destination, Raiyana arriving over asked then, “The Radiant Gardens?”
As she asked this question, Cait sith responded, “That's right lass! It's a real glorious place it is.”
“It is?” Raiyana asked. As she did so, she then couldn't help but ask, “What's it like exactly?”
Listening to her ask, Nozomi then told her friend, “It's a really beautiful town! Full of vibrant and colourful flowers and gardens!”
“Like the name suggests!” Cait sith added as Nozomi spoke on.
The female keyblader ignoring him, then decided to continue on, “And right now it's decorated with bright lights and colourful streamers and stalls! It's so amazing just you wait!”
Hearing her say this, Raiyana imaging the town they were coming to couldn't help but feel even more eager now. As she did, she then admitted, “Wow! That does sound great! I can't wait to see it!”
As she said this, it was then Balthier flew on over being followed closely behind by Fran. Having heard the conversation himself, he smiled himself as he said, “I concur, I am most eager to see these 'Radiant Gardens' of yours!”
Timbre overhead having heard all of the conversation then declared, “Yeah same here! I can't wait to party!”
Nodding, Zidane then agreed as he said, “Yeah, ditto!”
Listening to him say these words, Mickey turned and looked forwards. Doing so, he saw a particular something that made him smile and say, “Well you won't have to wait long fella's! For we're here!”
It was then everyone looked on ahead and as they did so, there fast approaching them was the door of time. Waiting for them to open it! Everyone was now excited as they thought of the Carnival and beautiful town that would be waiting for them on the other side!


As the others all quickly departed out of the door of time and made it upon the grounds of the town. Quickly the keybladers followed suite. As they did so, Nozomi smiling as she exited the door couldn't help but ask, “Well what do you think? Isn't this place fantastic!?”
Timbre hearing her say that and looking around was quiet, however turning around to look back at her, he couldn't help but admit, “Um? Not exactly?”
Puzzled as she heard this, Nozomi opening her eyes uttered, “Huh?”
It was then finally the keybladers looking around, along with their comrades. Saw the glorious town that they knew and recognised. Or at least they should have recognised it...
“Hey! What the heck happened here!?” Cait cried out in shock. For around them, the once proud glittering and vibrant celebratory town, was now dismal and dark. The decorations were all seemingly rotting and grey, the buildings were all monochrome in colour, while the sky above was onyx black. But the thing that made everything really haunting was one thing... everything was completely lifeless. There wasn't a single soul to be seen anywhere.
As the scenery and everything settled into her mind, Nozomi then couldn't help but ask, “Where is everyone? Why has everything become like this?”
Mickey hearing her ask this replied, “I dunno Nozomi... but one thing's for certain here!”
Riku then knew what the answer is, “The darkness is rampant everywhere.”
Not understanding the full story, or where they were exactly. Zidane though understood one thing, “That mean's it's bad news for us here, doesn't it?” This didn't need confirming though for-!


Turning immediately everyone then saw that from behind them, dark black shadows were appearing out of the floor! They were fearsome with silver glowing eyes! Staring at them, Yeul quickly hiding behind Noel and Raiyana asked with her fear reflecting clearly in her eyes, “Are those heartless!?”
But quickly as she asked this question, from behind them emerged creature's with glowing yellow eyes and many series of antenna falling back and forth over their faces. As everyone saw these creature's, Cait sith then announced, “No lass! They're the heartless!”
Immediately as these words were cried out, the swarms of monsters both heartless and silver glowing eyed creature's stormed straight forward towards them all! As these enormous numbers of monster's started storming their way, in seconds the keyblader's and their comrades called forth their weapons and began striking all of them away with one hit after another!
Annoyed as the heartless came rushing forwards, Timbre striking one with his spear cried out mad, “Darn it! Just when I was thinking we were gonna get the chance to relax here!” With that he struck another one of the monsters away.
Hearing him, Zidane equally mad as he struck one of the silver eyed monster's with his daggers then cried out, “You're telling me!” With that he leaped out of the way of another attack!
Nozomi fighting alongside Riku and Mickey, cut into one monster after another. As she did so, she couldn't help but say, “This is terrible! Just what are those thing's! Also the heartless! Why would they-!”
Riku hearing him cried out, “I don't know but-!” However quickly interrupted, he dodged another blow from another monster. Then striking into it hard and fast, he said mad, “At this rate it's gonna be endless!”
Mickey swinging forth his golden keyblade, agreed as he said, “Yeah! You're right there!” Then as he finished off his own creature he was dealing with, as Fran and Balthier blasted  away with their long range weapons, he knew one thing quickly that they needed to do! Immediately running forwards he looked back and cried out, “Fella's!”
Instantly everyone looked in the King's direction! As they did so, there they saw him waving to them urgently as he cried out, “We gotta move now! We can't handle these huge numbers!”
Hearing him, Timbre though striking another monster announced, “What huge numbers!” With that slicing away what appeared to be the last silver glowing eyed shadow monster he concluded, “These guys are easy! We've already beaten them all!”
As he said this, Raiyana was quiet. However looking behind herself, she saw evidence to the contrary as she cried out, “I don't think so!”
Immediately as she said this, everyone turned around. As she did so, there they saw more monsters! Huge ones by the dozen multiplying by the second! Seeing the creature's swarm around them, it was clear that even with their valiant numbers if these monsters all continued to grow in rank and size. They would exhaust themselves and-!
“Well c'mon lads!” Cait sith cried out. As he did so, he then pointed ahead and said urgently, “Let's go and follow Mickey! I don't wanna us to be monster chowder!” With that in seconds as he said those words, no-one was going to argue! So they all began to run and follow after the King.
As they all did so, Nozomi then cried out, “C'mon guys! Let's go!” With that, everyone departed away from the swarms of monsters as they ventured forth into the haunted and desolate grey town...


Everywhere they went the heroes looking around saw that the darkness and grey terror was endless as the monsters seemed to pour out from every nook and cranny in the place! Everyone was completely on edge!
Holding on tightly to Raiyana's hand as they all ran, Yeul cried out, “This is terrible! If we don't find somewhere to shelter soon, all of us will-!”
“Don't dwell on it Yeul!” Raiyana cried out.
As she was stopped in her tracks, Noel then proceeded on to say, “Exactly! We can't dwell on the worst scenario right now!”


Instantly as this terrible bellow filled the air, everyone was even more on edge as the monster's numbers continued to increase and chase after them. Noel then added as he felt stressed and frustrated by the situation, “Especially when we're all living it!”
Cait sith hearing him, couldn't help but agree as he cried out, “Ya're tellin' me lad!”
Nozomi feeling the desperateness of everyone around her, turned back and looked to see Balthier and Fran continuing to shoot back their arrows and ammunitions. They were trying their best to keep the monsters away from them, but it was clear they had to find a shelter of some kind soon! Otherwise if they didn't-!
Immediately shaking her head, Nozomi uttered quietly to herself, 'No! No! No! No!' For she couldn't dwell on it either! But looking around herself, she said aloud determined, “We gotta find somewhere to go! We have to-!”


Instantly turning around, everyone was shocked! As they did so, they saw a person standing within an opened wide door, with an urgent expression on their face. Looking at the individual, Nozomi recognised her in seconds as she cried out, “Serah!”
Seeing the pink long haired girl look towards them all. Dressed in her white shirt and veiled waistcoat including her red patterned, black laced skirt, along with her black thigh high stockings. Nozomi couldn't believe it! But before she could ask anything-!
“Lass what the bloomin' heck is goin' on around here!? What's-!” Cait sith desperate for answers was suddenly interrupted for then-!  
“There's no time to explain!” With that Serah urgently gestured to the door and as she did so, she added anxiously, “Please! You all need to get in here now!”
Timbre hearing Serah say this, looked back to the monsters for a brief moment and as he did so. He saw the terrible swarms and as he did so, he had no doubt about what he was going to choose, “Well I ain't disagreeing with a cute girl now!” With that he rushed straight to the opened door!
Seeing his pal go, instantly Zidane knew what he wanted to do too! So he cried out, “Hey! Wait up!” With that he went to catch up to him!
Then as they went, Fran and Balthier went towards the door too and as they did, Raiyana tugged on Yeul's hand to follow her. As she did so, she told her, “C'mon! Let's go Yeul!”
“Yeah I know! I know Raiyana!” With that the long blue haired girl followed after her and as she did so, Noel followed on closely behind!
Seeing them all go, Riku knew they had to go too! So he cried out, “All right! Mickey, Cait sith, Nozomi! Let's join everyone else!” With that he rushed on ahead!
Nodding, Mickey then proceeded to run on too! But as he did so, he looked to his fellow female keyblader and cried out, “Nozomi! Let's go!”
Hearing him, she cried out, “Yeah I know! I'm coming!” With that she rushed to catch up to the King. Then as he entered the door, Riku re-emerged gesturing now for her to hurry and she did!
Making it quickly inside, she looked outside and there she saw the hordes of monsters swarming straight towards them all! As they did, she looked to them with an angered expression before she moved to close the door! As she moved it fast, Cait sith then cried out, “No more seein' yer ugly mugs!”


With that the door was shut tight! As it was instantly the monster's who'd all been racing to it were suddenly stopped dead in their tracks! Immediately they all began to scratch and tear at the door! Trying to get in!      


As their angry snarls and roars filled the air, it looked like they might break through any moment! That they would-!


Suddenly though the monsters were all blown apart and back from the door! As a sparkling and shining transparent blue shield of light appeared and surrounded the whole house! The monsters seeing it, all of them snarled angrily! Then once again they tried to make their way inside! But the shield repelled them, barring their path entirely!    
“Mmm... so they're not tough enough to get through, huh?” A thoughtful feminine tone asked.
“Looks like it,” replied a calm male tone.
“Aww too bad...” with that munching away on a particular item, another voice admitted, “I know what it's like, waiting on an empty stomach.” With that he continued his snacking.
“Yeah, but with the rate of all that hunger...” with that making some quick calculations on his calculator, the voice concluded, “I'd say they'll be reduced to tinier particles that don't even equal crumbs!”
Hearing this, the female voiced chuckled as she replied, “Indeed... “ then as she did this, she smiled and thought of an entertaining idea. As it came to her, she then said, “And now... it's time to make some preparations, so we can have some proper entertainment!”


Meanwhile inside the now safe house, Nozomi was quiet along with the other's as they learned about what was really going on within the Radiant Gardens from all the survivors who were present. Hearing all the information, none of them could believe it!
“Merlin! That's terrible!” Mickey said in shock as he heard what needed to be told.
Nodding, the wizard replied, “Yes it is... it's been most dreadful!”
Cait sith hearing this then replied, “I'm not surprised Merlin mate!” Then looking down to the wizard he added, “Especially with ya bein' transformed into a Tortoise like this!”
For there before them all, Merlin who had once been human was now a blue coloured tortoise informing them about how he'd been transformed and what had happened to the town.
“Yes... of all thing's I can't believe Irma managed to escape and re-take that dreadful tome and even cast a spell on me like this!” Merlin said with bitter irritation.
Then as he said this, Riku had to ask him realising the terrible predicament the town was caught in. “So? You're saying... she's took him back and unleashed his power and we're all now inside the dark domain's of Bebuzzu!?”
Nodding, Serah then confirmed this as she said, “Yeah that's was horrible when it happened.”
Hearing her say this, Nozomi seeing the terrible sad expression that was on her face. Could only imagine the terror that had been unleashed at that time. Then looking at her friend, she had to ask though she knew it would be painful for her to reveal, “What did occur then... at that time Serah?”
As she asked this question, the pink haired girl then thinking of her words. Then finally she told them all, “... After a sudden surprise attack from the heartless, Bebuzzu was opened and a terrible black cloud was unleashed everywhere, it brought forth the demons that Bebuzzu devoured long ago along with the heartless... it was a fog that ate everyone who came into it's path and riding through the darkened skies that were created... were Irma and her gang.”
Listening to her as she re-laid her story, Balthier with a hand to his chin had to ask, “Wait one moment? This gang was flying through the sky?”
Nodding as this question was asked, Serah answered, “Yeah that's right.”
As she did this, it was then Aerith stepped in as she continued on to say, “Yes, I'm assuming they ere aided by Bebuzzu's magic... and the other magic user.”
Hearing this statement Nozomi became curious as she asked, “Other magic user?”
As this was asked, Aerith looking to the female keyblader replied, “That's right, a masked one... with some powerful spells.”
Listening to Aerith say this, Riku had flashes of the past as he remembered Nozomi being kidnapped by him and how they were sucked away into Bebuzzu the last time. As he did, he then said, “Yeah I know him, he was the one that was responsible for the chaos last time along with Irma.”
As he said this, Nozomi thought of the incident too as did Mickey. This made them terribly uncomfortable as they remembered it.
Listening on quietly still, Balthier then commented once more, “So, we're dealing with a truly bad motley crew here aren't we?”
Fran having been silent up to that point then made her own comment, “Indeed.” Then looking to the window that showed the terrible desolate environment outside she added, “One's who enjoy bringing destruction, instead of simple mischief to the world.”  
Listening to this comment, Cait sith couldn't help but admit, “Simple mischief is what I'd rather!” Then becoming quiet, he realised something. Looking around himself, he saw that one particular precious person to him wasn't there. Quickly he asked, “Hey! Where's me highness!?
However there came no response to his enquiry, nor the call of his beloved princess's voice. Realising quickly that she wasn't there, Cait sith immediately became highly alert with anxiousness as he cried out, “Yer highness!? Yer highness!” Then looking around frantically again, he cried out once more, “Oralee!?”
Hearing him cry out like this, hurt Serah deeply inside. Looking to the crowned cat, she had to admit sadly, “She's not here... Cait sith, she's gone.”
Turning immediately as she heard this, becoming just as shocked as Cait sith was becoming. Nozomi then had to ask, “Oralee?... She's gone?”
Nodding solemnly, Serah nodded her reply. Seeing her do this, the crowned cat now horribly worried for his princess cried out, “Where!? Where's she gone!? Where's me highness?! Tell me where I can-!?”
“We don't know...” suddenly surprising everyone, they all saw Dajh walk towards them. He looked terribly saddened. As he did, he then admitted, “When everyone started disappearing into the darkness, my dad and the ARCS all went looking for them.”
Hearing him say this, Serah then said, “Yeah... Snow was the first to rush out, to go and save Oralee... for she saved me from being absorbed into the darkness.”
Nozomi hearing this, imagining the terrible scene then asked, “She did?”
To which Serah nodded, then as she relayed this information to them, Mickey had to ask, “And everyone's still out there? Trying to rescue those who got absorbed?”
“That's right,” it was then walking forwards that Hope made himself known. As he did so, he told them all, “When Lightning went to go with them... she told me to wait here, to protect everyone who's here in Merlin's house until they all came back.”
As this was relaid, Timbre then decided to ask feeling his curiosity get the best of him, “And how long ago was it that those guys went out to do that?”
Hearing him ask this, Serah answered, “Over six hours ago...”
“Six hours?!” Zidane cried out, then as he did so. He couldn't help but demand, “And you guys haven't gone out to look for them!? You-!?”
“How can you expect them to go out there!?” Noel replied. As he did so, the monkey tailed young man looked to him. As he did so, he heard his friend go on to tell him, “It would practically be suicide, with all those multiplying monsters and the darkness... what chance do you think anyone here would have?”
To which as this question was put to him, Zidane became quiet as he remembered exactly who it was who was there with him. Looking to them all, it was only two young boys, one incredibly young. Two girls and a blue old tortoise, none of whom that had any strong fighting capabilities... it was obvious that none of them would have a chance out there.
Thinking this, he felt bad about what he'd just said... as he looked down to the floor in shame.
As he did this, Aerith spoke up as she said, “You know we would all go out there if we could... we want to rescue our friend's so badly... but on our own there's nothing that we can do.”  
Nodding, Merlin then voiced himself as he said stepping up in his transformed state, “Exactly, and I need both Serah and Aerith here to help me maintain the shield here... for we need to protect the one person, that those fiendish hooligans are after.”  
Hearing him say this, Riku looking to Merlin had to ask, “They're after someone in this house?”
As he asked this question, the old transformed blue tortoise answered, “Yes...our slumbering guest.”
Listening to this description, Nozomi knew in moment's who he was talking about, “Kagi? They're after him?”
“Correct lass,” Merlin answered. Then as he did so, he told her and everyone else, “And we can't allow them to feed him to that monstrous Bebuzzu... otherwise it really will be the end of all of us.”
Nozomi not understanding why though, as she looked to the door where Kagi was sleeping behind. She looked back to the wizard and had to ask him, “But why? Why would they want him so badly? Why would-?”
“Oh who cares why!?” With that crying those words out, Cait sith jumped up and sat himself upon Nozomi's head! As he did so, he quickly pulled on her hair hard!
“Ow! Cait sith!?” With that trying to shake him off, she told him mad, “Just what do you think you're doing?! What-!?”
“I ain't waitin' around for no more questions!” With that mad, he looked to the others and told them all, holding Nozomi's hair tightly with one gloved paw as his other one pointed to them all with       fierce concentration, “We gotta get goin'! And we gotta get goin' now! We gotta rescue me highness and the rest of the gang!”
Hearing this from him, everyone was silent. However it was clear, that Cait sith was concerned. Not just for the welfare of his princess, but for the ARCS and the other missing heroes...


Then as the sounds of the heartless and other dark monsters, carved upon the outside into the blue shining shield. This made it all the more clear, why he had to be concerned... and all of them too.
Raiyana listening on and feeling Yeul's hand tighten around her own right one, she was clearly scared and in reality... so was Raiyana herself. However, thinking of all those helpless people outside along with the heroes who were out there in that dangerous situation. She felt a resolve grow inside of her, as it did she spoke, “Cait sith...”
With that as her voice was heard, everyone turned in her direction. As they did so, the small crowned cat was quiet as he heard her say, “You're right, we do need to go.”
As he heard this, Noel though had to say, “But Raiyana we can't endanger Yeul,” with that taking her hand. He told her firmly, “If we act rashly then we'll-”
However in turn, Raiyana looked to him and said firmly, “We're already in danger... nobody in this house is safe as long as this chaos continues to lurk outside.” Then looking to the windows, she decided to add, “And if we want to stop this, we have to gain all the allies we can...” then looking back to Noel she added, “To stop those who are making this horrific situation!”
Listening to her say these words, everyone quiet for a moment felt the same resolve grow inside of themselves too. As it did so, Timbre made a firm nod, “Yeah I agree with ya Raiyana!”
As he said those words, the long blue haired girl looked back in his direction. As she did so, he continued on to say, “This situation isn't gonna get better unless we take action!” Then looking back behind himself, he couldn't help but add, “Besides, we gotta teach jerks like that who kidnap cute girls a hard lesson in manners!”


Hearing him say this, it was then that surprising everyone that Balthier clapped loudly! As he did so, he then said with a smile, “Spoken like a true gentleman!” With that walking forwards he announced to them all, “And I concur, we should show these ruffians where sinister mischievousness lands them!”    
Cait sith listening to this, could see that the others were now beginning to think his way. As he did so, he smiled and finally released Nozomi's hair as he said, “Now ya're talkin' Balthier mate!”
Nozomi feeling him release her hair, then finally said with a relieved sigh, “Finally!” For her head now ached like mad!
Seeing her do this, Riku was quiet. However looking to everyone he decided to speak up, “Yeah you guys are right, we should go.” But he also had to add as the air of caution rose inside of him, “But, not all of us.”
Surprised as he heard this, Zidane looking to him had to ask, “What do you mean? Why not all of us?”
With that as he heard these words, Mickey then spoke up saying, “I know why...” with that as everyone fixed heir eyes on him, he revealed the thoughts he himself had along with his comrade had, “It's because this house and those who are already inside, need protection.”
Surprised as he heard this, Zidane repeated, “Protection?”
To which, nodding Mickey continued on with his explanations, “Exactly, a few strong fella's here need to stay back and make sure that Irma and her pals don't get in here and hurt anyone else or-”
“Or take Kagi,” Nozomi answered as she too understood the King's and Riku's thoughts too. As her two fellow keyblader's heard her, they looked back and nodded to her. Confirming their answer.
With that said, it was then one issue had to be sorted out, “Alright, so now we have our battle plan      decided upon.” Fran decided to ask in a serious tone with her arms folded, “Who shall be going forth and who will be staying behind?”
Everyone was quiet as they heard this question, but then before anyone could give an answer-!


“Agh!” Blinded suddenly, Nozomi along with the others saw a bright light shine through the windows. As it came forth, everyone heard the sounds of the scratching heartless and monsters stop! As it did so, the female keyblader had to ask, “Just what is-!?”

“Greetings! You foolish key wielding dolts and snivelling imbeciles!”

Annoyed in seconds, Zidane protested mad, “Who're they calling imbeciles and dolts!”

“Since you've all become so comfortable in your little blue dome! We've decided upon a fun little game for you all to come out and play in!”

Hearing her say this to them, Riku was hating her mocking tone as he uttered bitterly, “A game!?”

“We want you trio key dolts to come out and play with us! The winners get to take home a prize of someone precious to them!”

As this was said, Cait sith repeated, “Precious!?”

“And who knows!? Maybe we'll throw in a couple of added bonuses! Come and find us real soon!”

Irma then finished her words and as she did so, another voice spoke up,

“We'll be waiting eagerly!”

Recognising this voice, Riku then whispered bitterly, “Gandrake!”

“Yeah we'll take you guys to a number lower than zero!”

“Exactly! We'll take real good care of you suckers!”

Hearing these two voices, Mickey then recognised them as, “Greeble and Peekaboo?”
Then as he realised this, the light quickly faded away. As it did so, everyone was silent in disbelief...

“You all better get going out there now.”

Surprised everyone turned and saw that standing to one side, leaning against the doorway to Kagi's room, it was none other than, “Hey!” Opening his eyes as he heard this call, the figure then heard Cait sith cry out, “You're that good for nothing Volg creep!”
The black chocobo hearing the crowned cat say this was far from amused. But ignoring the insult he decided to inform them, “Just to warn you guys, my lady Irma and the others... they're nothing like what you've seen before now.”
Curious as he heard this, Riku then had to ask him, “What do you mean by that and why're you-?”

“Oh! And just so you know! I don't have much patience! So don't keep us waiting losers!”

As he was interrupted, Riku looked back with bitter annoyance. Doing this, Volg was quiet before he answered, “I can assure you, I'm not the enemy here right now...” then looking to the window, he continued on to say, “But the darkness that is out there won't consume just your friends...”
Puzzled as she heard this, Nozomi looked back to Volg and asked him, “It won't?”
“No...” the small black chocobo replied. Then as he did, he informed her, “It will consume mine as well.”
Hearing this, everyone was haunted by these words. But now knowing how serious this situation was, Mickey then spoke, “... Okay fella's, this proves it! We can't wait around any longer!”
As the king said this, no-one disagreed and so feeling the tense atmosphere that was building around them. Balthier decided quickly on what to do, “Indeed, now!” With that looking to his crew members he informed them, “I'll have Zidane, Raiyana, Yeul and myself stay here within this house!”
Dismayed as he heard this, Zidane cried out, “What!?”
However ignoring him, Balthier continued on to say, “Fran, Noel and Timbre you go out with our new friends...” with that looking to the keybladers he added, “For I think they'll need all the assistance they can get.”
Listening to these instructions, Noel, Fran and Timbre replied together, “Right!”
Then as they did this, Yeul looking to her blue clad guardian couldn't help but say with worry, “Noel...”
Hearing her voice, he turned to her. As he did so, with a calm smile he informed her, “Don't worry Yeul, I'll be back soon.” Then looking to his other beloved friend, he added, “Raiyana will protect you and the others too until I do.”
Still feeling uncertain though as she heard this, Yeul couldn't help but utter worriedly, “But...”
Then feeling a warm hand upon her shoulder, she heard Raiyana's voice as she said, “Don't worry Yeul, I'm sure Noel will be back... for he's strong.” Then looking to him she added with a smile, “Definitely stronger than I remember.”
Hearing these words, Noel couldn't help but release a small laugh, “Oh yeah, there's no doubt about that! I'll show you for sure how strong I've become!”
Smiling as she heard this Raiyana nodded. As she did this, Yeul still nervous though decided to believe in their words. So she nodded and said, “Yeah I know you will Noel... good luck out there!”
Nodding as he heard these words, Noel was now determined as the others were around him. With that standing up, everyone went walking up towards the closed front door.
However seeing them go, Zidane couldn't help but question fiercely, “Hey! C'mon why can't I go with you guys! Why can't I-!”
“Because there has to be a couple of dashing heroes to look after the maiden's in this house,” Balthier said. Then as Zidane turned to look at his boss, the charming pirate winked to him as he added, “Don't you think we're both fine choices to be chosen for such leading roles?”
Hearing him ask, Zidane quiet for a moment despite the horrendous situation. He then couldn't help but forget his outrage and utter a chuckle. As he did so, he smiled as he said, “Sure, I guess I can take it like that?”
However Nozomi was making it to the door as the others made it out before her. As they did so, Cait sith on her shoulder told her urgently, “Hey lass! C'mon hurry up! Let's move it! We gotta find me highness! We can't let anything happen to her! We-!”
Becoming annoyed by his pestering as she heard him, Nozomi answered straight back,“I know! I know! Cait sith! Don't stress me out more here! I-”


Suddenly she was stopped in her tracks! For then looking behind startled she saw Serah had grabbed her by the hand. As she did this, the female keyblader stared at her confused before she heard her say, “I know this isn't the welcome you guys wanted... but I'm glad you're back again and please... be careful out there, make sure you bring them all back okay?”
As this was said to her, Nozomi quiet for a moment then replied, “Yeah we will! Thanks Serah! We'll see you real soon!”
Nodding as she heard this, Serah then released her. As she did so, Nozomi then quickly rushed out the door as it was closed behind her. As she did so, she saw along with the others that the heartless and other monsters were waiting in huge numbers beyond the blue protective shield... they were hungry for the souls and hearts of the gang of heroes.
Seeing them, all of the heroes were wary. For what were they supposed to do against these huge numbers!? Timbre looking on then couldn't help but comment, “Okay? Anyone got a pair of monster shredders?”
Nobody could answer his question, however one voice sounded up with a suggestion, “Well I don't have any of those.” With that Raiyana stepped forwards and instantly she brought out her double edged scythe! As she did so, her body glowed vibrantly with golden orange light! As she did so, immediately the monsters all backed away from her radiance!
Impressed to see this, Noel couldn't help but compliment her saying, “Your power never fails to amaze me Raiyana!”
Smiling as she heard this in her transformed state, the glowing Nobody replied, “Thanks!” With that she charged forwards! Then as she did, she escaped through the blue shield and quickly began to attack the monsters on the other side! Clearing a path for them all! Seeing her do this, the heroes silent then heard her call out, “Go on! Go now! Save everyone and this town!”
With that no-one hesitated! They all instantly ran through the shining blue shield and down the cleared path she'd made and immediately they entered into the darkness! As they did,    
they were all determined! They were gonna save their friends and the ruined town from Irma's gang and the horrible darkness that Bebuzzu had brought with him!      
Here's the new chapter guys! I hope you enjoy the beginning of this new arc! ^^
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redrojo17's avatar
The beginning is the end is the beginning. How long will the 14th light prevail until she faces her destiny?

Btw, what kind of villain would you think you would be in a video game? cuz if I were a villain I would be a little bit of this:… and a little of that too:…..... Yes, I wanna be a triangle-shaped banana.