
Diabolik Lovers: Merging Eclipse Chapter 15

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.:Chapter Fifteen : The Possibility:.

“Ahhh!” Falling back onto the big soft plushy bed, that belonged to Yui. Miya was was now dressed in her gentle peppermint green, white long sleeved and legged pyjama's. It was clear she was weary as she said aloud with her head resting back on one of the big pillow's with her hand on top of her forehead, “I'm so tired...”
Dressed now in her own light white nightdress, Yui had switched off the light in her room already and was now settling herself under the covers of her bed as she pulled them over herself. Looking to her friend she couldn't help but smile and let out a little giggle as she looked to her and said, “I don't blame you, Miya-chan!” Then thinking of all the work they'd just done, she added, “It did take us a long time to finally complete everything, but at least you've learned it all properly right?”
Hearing this being asked of her as she finally got under and pulled up her own side of the covers too, Miya responded,”I should damn well hope so! I think I've worked on those formula's so much, I could write them in my sleep!” Saying that, she then became annoyed as she thought of all the wasted time that Ayato had caused, sighing with irritation she said, “... It just blows that we haven't had any time to properly chill! Thanks to that idiot intruding on us...”
As she said this, Yui became saddened slightly as she replied, “ is a shame about that,” but quickly she also added as she didn't want Miya to become sour by the memory, “But since it is all done now, we've got all of tomorrow to make up for that lost time! So...please don't let it get to you, Miya-chan!”
Hearing this being said to her, the heterochromia eyed girl turning to look at her friend saw the sad pleading look in her gentle pink irises. Observing it she was quiet, however she then told her friend as a smile came to her face, “...I'm not! Don't worry Yui-ko!” Then dropping it she looked above herself and up towards the ceiling adding, “Besides, if I hold grudges over something as petty as that, my temper's never gonna improve...” Saying that, she closed her eyes and revealed more of her inner thoughts, “ And what's more important is that we enjoy the time we have here together to the fullest, no matter what happens.”
Listening to her as she said this, Yui was glad that she was trying so hard to maintain her temper like this for her. Also she was touched by her last words about how they should spend their time together, so smiling happily as she looked at her, the blonde haired girl whispered her name, “Miya-chan...”
Hearing her, Miya still with her eyes closed couldn't help but regain her smile. However she then had to admit something else as she felt the softness of the covers that surrounded her and the pillow that was under her head, “But you know, this is one thing I never expected!”
As she said this, Yui became curious as she asked her, “What's that Miya-chan?”
The heterochromia eyed girl then revealed her thought as she turned her head to look at her, “Me staying the night in your bed again like this! I mean talk about weird repeats!”
Silent as she heard this, Yui quickly became a little embarrassed as her friend said this. Then though she had to admit with an awkward shy laugh, “Heh, heh...yeah... it is strange this is happening again, isn't it?”
“It is!” Then seeing the embarrassed look that was on friend's face, Miya simply smiled a little more at her cute reaction. However she then decided to ask her becoming curious, “But you know when you told me about the other rooms in this mansion, I find it hard to believe...” for thinking of the dreadful descriptions of them she'd been given, compared to the elaborate decorativeness of the mansion, the orange haired girl asked, “I mean are they really all that bad, Yui-ko?”
Hearing her ask this, Yui was quiet for a moment. However she then answered simply, “Um...? Well, yes... they are.” Then though she decided to explain a little more, “alot of the other spare bedrooms are... badly damaged and in need of repairs, so...”
Listening to this, Miya then finished for her simply saying, “They're trashed.”
Nodding as she said this, Yui was silent.
Seeing her become like this, Miya though had to admit, another thought of hers, “That's a surprise! I mean with that four eyes here, I thought he was supposed to be a diligent carer for this place.” However she then decided to finish her thoughts saying looking back up to the ceiling again, “But, I guess even he has his struggles, huh?”
Hearing this Yui then responded simply, “Yeah...” for in reality most of the spare rooms other than the bedrooms belonging to the brothers and herself, had been smashed up by Subaru and his furious violent outbursts...
But the real reason Yui had asked Miya to stay the night in the same bed with her, was because she couldn't take the risk of her friend being attacked if she was left in a separate room on her own. Though she knew that on her own there was no way she could protect her with her weaker strength,  she could at least keep an eye out for her.          
Inside though as she thought about this, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy and guilty for putting her friend unknowingly into danger like this. Also in reality she considered that maybe all she wanted was just to have Miya be her defender again. As her worries continued to flow and swell within inside her, she looked to her a little hesitantly as she asked, “...Do you not like this arrangement, Miya-chan?”
Hearing this, Miya turned and seeing her friend look at her so awkwardly with shy and worried eyes as she tried to hide her face away with her pink sheets. The orange haired girl blinked and was silent for a second. However it was then she couldn't help but laugh aloud as she said pointing to her,“Awww! Look at you! You're acting like a little kid peeking at me, Yui-ko!”
As she heard this laughter and saw the grin on Miya's face, the blonde haired girl just became more embarrassed... blushing red in the face, she hid herself away entirely. She wished she could be just swallowed up by the pink sheets of her bed, for this was so awkward for her!
Giggling away, Miya was finding it hard to recover from seeing that look on Yui's face, “Ha! Ha!Man! That was so-!” However after a few more seconds, getting the last remains of her hysterics out of her system. She finally managed to calm herself down. Doing so she turned over with a small smile on her face and told her friend her thoughts, “...Yui-ko, there's no need for you to fret about this set up.”
Her head still under her sheets, the blonde haired girl then looked out from under them to Miya as she asked her, “I don't?”
Shaking her head, still smiling gently Miya told her, “No, cause this isn't bad for me, “ then she confessed turning her head to look back up for a moment, “I mean I'll admit it's different, but I don't mind it...”
Looking at her friend, it was then that Yui saw a rather sad nostalgic look come across Miya's face as she continued, “Cause when I was a kid, I used to do this with someone before.”
Surprised as she heard this, Yui then asked her, “You did?”
“Yeah,” came the simple reply from the heterochromia eyed girl's lips.
Becoming curious as she heard about this, Yui then gently inquired of her, “Who was it before? Was it-?”
“That's something to say another day!” Miya said interrupting her, then turning over to look back at her. A grin was across her face as she then informed her puzzled friend, “Now I'd say it's about time that a curious kitty like you goes to sleep!”
As she heard her say that, Yui then suddenly had her nose tapped by Miya's right hand and finger. Seeing and feeling her do this, the blonde haired girl then took this to mean that she shouldn't ask her anymore. Though she honestly wanted to know more, she knew she didn't want to trouble her friend and it was late anyway, so she complied with her request, “Okay, I'll do that...” then looking at her, the gentle pink eyed girl told her further, “I hope you sleep well, Miya-chan.”
Nodding with a smile still there, the orange haired girl told her friend, “I will!” Then on a further note she told her, “And I'll make sure you sleep well too, Yui-ko.”
Hearing her as she said this, Yui looking to Miya in surprise heard her say with humour in her voice, “I'll keep the creeps and bugs out!” To which she then finished with a wink of her single blue eyed saying, “Okay?”
Seeing this and hearing her say these words, Yui was silent. However she couldn't help but smile as she heard this. She could see now that Miya was still going to keep an eye for her even then... she was so lucky and fortunate to have someone like this do this for her. She was so honoured but all that she could do at that moment to show it, was simply smile and say, “Alright...thank you, Miya-chan.”
To which the orange haired girl smiled and nodded, for those words were all that she needed. With that said, the two girls then gently and quickly nestling into their pillows fell into the recesses of a deep and warm, comforting sleep...  


As the sounds of gentle deep breathing, echoed about within the domains of the girl's room. It was then that a figure materialised and emerged from the darkness of the shadows inside the lilac coloured walled space. Walking forwards with a frown on his face, it was revealed to be none other than Ayato.
Moving silently across the room, he made it quickly over to the frilly canopied bed. Looking down, he then observed the girl's as they slept on, blissfully unaware and helpless. The two of them would be practically at his mercy if he tried anything now. However all he did was simply stare on down, there was a serious and slightly angered gaze in his eyes as he observed them, slumbering away.


Hearing this familiar voice, the reddish-brown haired young man turned his gaze and there he saw his older fedora hatted sibling, “Laito.”
Seeing that he'd got his little brother's attention, the vibrant green eyed young man simply grinned as he then told him, “This is really naughty you know!” With that he walked forwards and added putting an arm around his shoulders as he looked down at their helpless prey too, “Peeping on sleeping little girls!” Seeing them slumber on together, clueless to their presence. Laito grinning away then couldn't help but add, “Appetising ones at that!”  
The serious yet angered gaze still upon his face, Ayato wasn't in the mood for him as he told him simply, “Get lost!” Then making him detach from him, he walked to the right side of the bed and sat himself down while gazing upon Yui.
Seeing her peaceful sleeping face as her blonde locks trailed about her, it seemed that she was looking up to him. Seeing this the reddish-brown haired vampire said nothing. However he then heard movement, turning up his face instantly became soured as Miya had moved over turning her back to him.
Looking at his little brother, Laito then saw him look at the sleeping heterochromia eyed girl with bitterness in his eyes. As he saw this, he then could understand why his sibling had come into the room, however he decided for the moment not to comment about it.
However Ayato had something he wanted to have answered, turning to his older brother he then asked him, “Laito?”
“Hmm?” He asked in a seemingly curious tone.
“This bitch,” Ayato asked as he looked to Miya again, with that still annoyed look in his eyes, “You've heard from Reiji right? About the possibility?”
Hearing him ask about this, Laito then could see where this conversation was heading as he replied, “About Cow-chan's origins?” Then seeing his little brother stare at him with an irritated look, it was clear he was not in the mood to be humoured. So seeing he wasn't going to have much fun in that regard, the Fedora hatted young man sighed.
Walking over himself he then stood over Miya's side, seeing her he was quiet. As she breathed in and out quietly with an expressionless look on her face, it was then he lowered himself and taking his right hand he began trailing his finger over her left cheek. Making circles with it he then spoke his thoughts, “Well I don't know if Cow-chan here is related to any demonic kin that I know of... for looking at her, she behaves practically like a normal human girl.”
Saying that, it was then that Miya's brow creased in irritation and as it did, she moaned in annoyance. Seeing this, Laito though simply continued on, “However I can't deny the strength she has is phenomenal,” for thinking about what had transpired just maybe over a week ago, he had to admit, “If Bitch-chan hadn't intervened at that time before... I may well have experienced the unknown delights of death.”


Suddenly it was then that Miya batted her hand and instantly she smacked his annoying tracing hand away from her. Seeing her do this, even in her sleep as she then turned back over Laito couldn't help but grin at her reaction to him.
As he continued to smile then, he lifted himself back up placing his right hand under his chin, he echoed his thoughts aloud casually, “But regardless of what she is, I just want Reiji to hurry up and finish his studies.” For he then revealed his true interest in the helpless sleeping anomaly, “For I'm really interested and looking forward to having a taste of her... “ To which he finished licking his lips with a hungry tongue.
Seeing him do this, Ayato wasn't surprised in the slightest at his future intentions. Watching his older sibling, he looked on as he started to walk past him saying, “But since I've been told to be a good little boy for now, I'm gonna take my exit and leave!” Making a single wave from behind, he bid his little brother, “Night, night Ayato...” then turning to look at his little brother he added with a grin, “Don't take a bite!”
Hearing him say that, Ayato then watched Laito vanish away into the darkness. Leaving no trace of himself behind, seeing him do this the reddish-brown haired vampire wasn't amused in the slightest.
Instead looking to Yui again who was sleeping before him, he lowered himself and moving his hand forwards, he combed his fingers through the now messy long locks of her soft wavy blonde hair.  Doing this his eyes were in deep thought as he continued to comb them through, feeling their softness and her warmth that was radiating slightly from her. It was hard to tell what he was thinking of or imaging at that moment... ”Chichinashi.”
Then suddenly surprising him, Yui moved and as she did she turned around facing away from him. Quickly removing her hair from his fingers as he stood back up, he looked on as she nestled herself into Miya who was facing her way.
Watching as this happen, he then heard her say sleepily, “Mmm... Miya-chan.” This in turn caused the sleeping orange haired girl to move her exposed arm and to drop it over her friend, as she unconsciously made herself more comfortable.
Seeing this occur, Ayato was shocked! He couldn't believe what he was now seeing before his eyes! This enraged him greatly as he gripped his right fist, he wanted to tear that bitch apart right there and then! He was going to-!
However quickly before he could move to do anything, Ayato stopped himself. Grudgingly, he knew he couldn't disobey Reiji's order. Not unless he wanted to pay the consequences severely later. Thinking this he was absolutely bitter, however somehow he managed to maintain control over himself as he moved himself away from the girl's bed and started to walk away.
Then stopping in his tracks for a moment, he saw again the girl's holding each other and as he did he said aloud with raging irritation, “Just you wait you bitch!” With that he started to walk away again, however before delving into the shadows, he added, “When the time come... I will make you suffer!” With that said he vanished into the darkness...



Yawning aloud as she covered her opened mouth with her hand, a few tired tears appeared in Miya's eyes as she then proceeded down the stairs saying aloud, “I'm sleepy...”
Hearing her, Yui was the same way as she tried to wipe away some sleepy dust from her eyes. As she did this, she had to admit happily as they got down the grand staircase, “Yeah I am too, but at least we slept well didn't we?”
Listening to this comment, Miya wasn't going to disagree as she replied, “Yep we did, though it's a little surprising.”
Hearing this, Yui looked to Miya as she asked her, “Huh? Why do you say that Miya-chan?”
The orange haired girl then replied revealing her thoughts, “Cause I thought with me staying the night here properly for the first time, that those bastards would definitely try something!”
As she heard this, Yui wasn't going to disagree though it was a shame to admit, “Yeah... it would have have been like them to.”
Nodding, Miya though turning around saw the depressed look that was on her friend's face again. Seeing it, she didn't want her to be that way so she told her then changing the mood of the moment, ”But anyway, let's not dwell on them for now!”
Yui hearing her friend say this, then looked up to her and heard her say with a smile on her face, “Let's go and make ourselves some good delicious breakfast, huh?”
At this suggestion, Yui immediately then forgetting her sadness for a moment brightened too and replied, “Yeah, let's do that!”
“Right on!” Her friend agreed and with that smiling together the two of them headed towards the mansion's kitchen to make themselves some nice breakfast.


Sitting down at the kitchen table, the two girl's had their meals prepared before them. Miya looking down at her food, then smelled it's aroma and said with a small smile on her, “Mmm... now this is what I call yummy!”
For in front of her, was a blue coloured bowl filled with oat porridge and on top were a couple of raspberry's. Looking at it, Miya was pleased with the result as she said aloud, “This'll be good,” then taking her spoon, there was something else though she couldn't help but say, “I just hope there aren't too many lumps inside.”
Saying that she dipped her silver utensil into the bowl, then she went to take it out to have a bite. However before she could, another scent caught her attention.
Looking to where she could smell it, she saw next to her Yui who had already started eating her meal. What she saw that her friend was eating could best be described as toast, however it was warmer in colour as it seemed golden from the butter and traces of syrup that was laced over it. She also saw that there was cream along with some strawberries and blueberries resting here and there over it.
Seeing it, she couldn't help but gulp as it looked really delicious. Yui in the meanwhile, finishing a bite of her toast felt eyes looking at her. There she saw her friend looking at her and her meal. Surprised to see this, she became curious as she asked, “What is it Miya-chan?”
Instantly, it was then the heterochromia eyed girl realised what she was doing as she became awkward and said turning her face quickly away, “Oh uh? It's nothing, um...?”
However Yui was still puzzled as she looked to her friend quietly. It was then after a moment the orange haired girl finally thought of what to say as she asked her, “It's just, um? Your meal...what's it called?”
Hearing her ask this, Yui then didn't see why she was acting like this and told her, “It's french toast.”
Learning what it was, Miya replied, “I see...” then looking to it again, she told her, “It looks really delicious.”
Listening to this compliment, Yui simply smiled as she replied, “Thank you.” Then looking to her friend's meal she told her, “Yours looks nice too.”
As she heard this though, Miya simply waved her hand as she told her, “Nah! This isn't anything Yui-ko! It's just simply oat porridge... anybody can make something like this, even someone like me.”
Hearing her say this, Yui then had to ask her, “Why would you say something like that, Miya-chan?”
It was then that the orange haired girl had to admit, though with a little shame, “... I say that because, I'm not the greatest of cooks.”
Surprised at this, Yui had to ask her, “You're not?”
Shaking her head, Miya then replied, “No...”
Seeing her looking a little depressed as she said this, Yui then said, “But, that rice omelette you made for me the other day was really delicious! I thought you would-”
“I can make simple stuff like that, stuff that takes under fifteen minutes or so...” then looking to Yui's really delicious meal again she then admitted, “But I couldn't make anything as fancy that.”
As she said this, Yui was quiet again. However seeing the sad look that was on her friend's face, she though wanted to dispel it as she told her, “But Miya-chan! French toast doesn't take that long to make! It's really a simple thing to make.”
Surprised to hear this, Miya then asked her, “Really? It is?”
Nodding Yui then told her brightly, “Yeah it is!” Then smiling she told her further, “If you want me to, I can show you how to make it in the future?”
Hearing this, Miya was surprised once more as she asked her, “Really? You'll do that?”
Looking at her and seeing the surprised look on her face, Yui simply smiled more as she replied, “Yes definitely!”
Quiet as she heard this confirmation, Miya though quickly brightened up herself as she replied, “Awesome!” Then pointing a cheerful finger to her, she added, “I'll take you up on that offer in the future!”
To which Yui simply smiled again, pleased that she was able to cheer her friend up. Miya herself then feeling more chipper declared, “Well, it's time for me to stop fussing and get eating!”
With that she took her spoon and ate a bite of her oat meal porridge. As she did this, Yui then turned back to her own meal and started eating more of her french toast.
Quietly continuing to do this, it was then after a couple of more bites that the heterochromia eyed girl realised something, “Oh yeah!” Surprised away from her own meal for a moment, Yui looked to Miya as she then said, “I know what I'm missing now.”
Then watching, she saw her friend reach over and take a couple of items. Looking Yui then saw Miya pour something onto her porridge, it was honey with a wooden honey dipper spooner. Watching her, she saw her lace it over it carefully.
After a moment, Miya finished and as she did, she said, “There! Now it'll be even better!”
Seeing her finish, Yui then couldn't help but comment, “You like honey on porridge Miya-chan?”
Nodding, the orange haired girl then explained brightly, “Yeah! It helps with my Hay fever, building up my tolerance and stuff, also it helps in improving my physical performance.”
Hearing this little explanation, Yui then smiled as she said, “Oh I see, that's good then!”
“It is!” Then taking another bite with her spoon that was now laced with the sweet substance, the orange haired girl added, “It's also delicious too!”
Laughing as she heard this, Yui then nodded and proceeded back to eating again as Miya did the same. As the two continued having breakfast together chatting happily, it looked like that day was going to be a good one for them.


Surprised to hear this voice, it was then the two girls looked and saw that someone had suddenly come over, sitting themselves at their table. Looking on, they both saw him dressed in his blue dress long sleeved shirt along with his white one underneath it and his long brown legged pants, with his earphones in connected to his MP3 player that was tied to his neck. The girl's saw Shuu before them with his eyes closed.
Seeing him, the two girls were quiet. However looking at Shuu as he sat before them, Miya had no idea what to think of him whatsoever!
Yui herself looking at him, didn't know why he'd come to their table either. For with Shuu, she was never sure all the time how to act around him, since he hardly ever said a word and just merely slept all the time.
“Hey, Yui-ko?” Hearing her friend whisper, the blonde haired girl looked to her and heard her ask, “This guy here?”
“Shuu-san?” She asked her friend in reply with a whisper.
Nodding she replied, “Yeah him,” then turning her eyes to look at him. She had to ask her friend, “Is he an annoying creep too?”
Not liking her using that description, Yui told her, ”It's not nice to call people that!” However she then replied to her, “But... Shuu-san isn't too bad, he's the quietest out everyone, so there shouldn't be too much trouble.”
Hearing her say this to her, it was clear that Miya was a little uncertain about that. But then again, she hadn't suffered much grief so far from this guy, so she decided to trust in Yui's words as she said, “Okay if you're sure...”
With that quietly the two girls began to eat their breakfasts again. However as she continued on with her porridge, Miya couldn't help but feel a little self aware with that guy with them. For the other brothers so far had been so unpredictable, but as Yui had said he was quiet and he was continuing to be. Which was a relief in a lot of ways, sighing aloud she thought to herself that maybe she could relax for a change and that he wasn't going to be as bad as-


Stopping in her tracks she then saw startled that the blonde haired young man was staring at her intently! Seeing this perplexed, she had to ask not understanding what he was looking at, “Uh? Can I help you with something?” This was really bothering to Miya, for if there was one thing she didn't like. It was being stared at!
As she heard her asking this question, Yui then saw too that Shuu was staring at Miya. Seeing this made her a little concerned as well and she couldn't help but ask, “Um, Shuu-san? Is there something-?”
“You think I'm an annoying creep do you?” The blonde haired young man asked with a grin on his face, as he looked at the two of them.
Immediately both girls were on edge! Quickly Miya asked perplexed, “What?! You heard us!?”
Seeing the surprise on her face, simply amused the music listening vampire more as he replied, “Obviously, just because I have earphones plugged in doesn't mean I'm not paying attention,” looking to Miya who was dumbfounded he also added, “Quite conceited aren't you?”
Hearing this, immediately Miya felt insulted and once more her annoyance was beginning to brim within inside of her.
Yui though herself knew this couldn't be good in the long run and whispered to herself seeing the two looking at each other intently, “Oh no...”
Shuu himself was simply further amused by the disturbance he'd now caused. Then turning his attentions to Miya who now had a sour look on her face, he asked her, “Irritating you am I?”
Hearing this, the heterochromia eyed girl could tell he was trying to provoke her, however she wasn't afraid to admit one thing right there and then, “Not yet...”
As her friend said that simple sentence, Yui looking to her knew she had to be decisive! Quickly she told her, “Miya-chan! Let's hurry and finish then get changed! We've got to enjoy the rest of the day haven't we?”
Listening to the request as she turned back to look at her, Miya replied, “You're right, we do...let's do that then.” With that she went to eat her porridge once more.
Grateful she was listening to her wishes, Yui too went to finish her own meal hurriedly as Shuu continued to look on at them both.
Blowing on another spoonful of porridge, Miya then saw with annoyance that Shuu was still spying his blue eyes upon her! Seeing his annoying smug smile as he stared, the heterochromia eyed girl then decided there that this guy was just as irritating as the rest of his siblings! This new day in the end was probably not going to be a too easy one for the two friends after all...  
The last of the batch for today! ^^
© 2014 - 2024 Lrme87
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